Monday, March 19, 2012

Connecting to MSDE

I am trying to connect to a MSDE database on server from my desktop using query analyzer. I keep getting the generic "SQL Server does not exist or access denied'

I have verified the following:
- the login/password is valid because when I access osql from server I can gain access
- the registry for Loginmode appears OK - set to 2 - mixed mode

What else do I need to check...

Thanks, kgaskeDid MSDE install as a named instance? Check the service, and see if it is listed as MSSQL$foo. If it is, you connect as servername\foo.|||No MSDE is not a named instance. Checked the service..|||Can you connect to the server from the server? Maybe no network protocols were enabled.|||Can you connect to the server from the server? Maybe no network protocols were enabled.

I'll second this; what version of MSDE is it? What's the operating system. By default, MSDE 2000 installed on WXP or Win2003 will not enable IP connections. You have to install SP3 (minimum) or SP4. I also recall (from some dim memory) that by default, MSDE does not enable anything but shared memory (ie, localhost) connections.



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