Sunday, March 11, 2012

Connecting to Database On windows 5.0 CE Device.

I'm a beginner in the Visual Studio Development for Mobile Devices.

I'm trying to develop a small program for a PSC Falcon handheld Scanner.

Particluars are

VS 2005 SP1

SQL Compact Edition

Windows CE 5.0

The test program is just a datagrid viewing data from the database

when the form loads with the following code:


trapping the error I get

Error Code: 8007000E

Message :

Minor Code:0

Source : SQL Server Compact Edition ADO.NET Data Provider

The interesting thing is that if I have the Database open in Query Analyzer 3.0.

The program works fine.

Maybe this is relevant: SqlCeCommand objects are not automatically disposed if you use a SqlCeDataAdapter object


Thanks for the timely response.

Being under a ending time schedule.

I went in a different direction to collect the scanned data.

Collecting in a Dataset and writing to a txt file.

I'll keep this in mind for future development.

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