Thursday, March 8, 2012

Connecting to Analysis Services

I am having trouble getting my IS package to connect to an AS database when I schedule the package as a job.

The package executes fine through BI Development Studio, but I get the following error in the package log when I run the job step:
OnError,<server name>,NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM,Process Cube,{C4951602-2594-4572-9587-72E539A2FB6B},{AD6B3CE0-FA38-4DC6-93C0-59D339751EC9},8/22/2007 2:05:19 PM,8/22/2007 2:05:19 PM,0,0x,A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running.

Here is the connection string I am using in both BI Dev Studio and the job:
Data Source=<server name>;User ID=<user>;Password=<password>;Initial Catalog=<DB name>;Provider=MSOLAP.3;Persist Security Info=True;Impersonation Level=Impersonate;

The AS server is set up to allow remote connections, and the user I am connecting as is an administrator on the AS server.


Dalmut1 wrote:

I am having trouble getting my IS package to connect to an AS database when I schedule the package as a job.

The package executes fine through BI Development Studio, but I get the following error in the package log when I run the job step:
OnError,<server name>,NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM,Process Cube,{C4951602-2594-4572-9587-72E539A2FB6B},{AD6B3CE0-FA38-4DC6-93C0-59D339751EC9},8/22/2007 2:05:19 PM,8/22/2007 2:05:19 PM,0,0x,A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running.

Here is the connection string I am using in both BI Dev Studio and the job:
Data Source=<server name>;User ID=<user>;Password=<password>;Initial Catalog=<DB name>;Provider=MSOLAP.3;Persist Security Info=True;Impersonation Level=Impersonate;

The AS server is set up to allow remote connections, and the user I am connecting as is an administrator on the AS server.


It looks to me as though you're connecting using NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Is that account an administrator on the AS server?


|||I think I should clarify: the server running the job is not on the same box as the analysis server. Should it matter what user is executing the job as long as the connection string for the AS DB is correct?

Dalmut1 wrote:

I think I should clarify: the server running the job is not on the same box as the analysis server. Should it matter what user is executing the job as long as the connection string for the AS DB is correct?

Absolutely. The conenction will be made usig the credentials of whoever is running teh job. Unless you have set up a proxy account this will be the account that SQL Agent is running under.



Jamie Thomson wrote:

Dalmut1 wrote:

I think I should clarify: the server running the job is not on the same box as the analysis server. Should it matter what user is executing the job as long as the connection string for the AS DB is correct?

Absolutely. The conenction will be made usig the credentials of whoever is running teh job. Unless you have set up a proxy account this will be the account that SQL Agent is running under.


Aha. I set up a proxy account that is working like a charm. Thanks.

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