Thursday, March 8, 2012

Connecting to an SQL Named Pipe Alias

Hi All , I have been racking my head on this for the last two days and really it should be a no brainier. Anyways I can only assume that I’m missing something here but...

In a nut shell I am attempting to connect to a new SQL Alias that i have created by simply adding the following in the client network utility

Current SQL server name DASQL

Default instance

Alias Name: TASQL

Server Name: DASQL

Pipe Name: \\DASQL\pipe\sql\query

I can connect the new alias via the local (server consol) yet when i attempt to connect remotely it times out as if it can't find the server.

Any Thought?


I knowat server console Shared Memory protocol is used. There is NamedPipes protocol enabled for client and server too ?|||

You need to create the alias on the client that you are using to connect to the server. It looks like you may have created this alias on the server itself - which means when using a client on the server to connect, the alias is available. You would need to create this on other clients to use the alias.



Thanks for the quick reply,

Hmm. so if I understand you correctly the following steps are needed to created an alias that is accessable by remote clients

1 create an alias on the server that is going to host the connection point.(Named Pipes)

within the alias properties:

Example Case (Server Name DASQL)

Alias Name: TASQL

Server Name: DASQL

Pipe Name: \\DASQL\pipe\sql\query -- which points the currently alais name of DASQL as TASQL

2 create another alias on ANYclient that going to connect to the remote alias( this what Im fuzzy on, how would you create a alias on a client that doesnt have to ablity to support alias) ie web or application servers

Example case ( MyComputer DEVLAP)

Alias Name: TASQL

Server Name: DASQL

Pipe Name: \\DASQL\pipe\sql\query

Is this correct?



If you have SQL Server listening on named pipes, just setup the alias on the clients.


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