Sunday, March 11, 2012

Connecting to data source rs2005sbsDW

I'm trying to connect to the sample database (rs2005sbsDW) that I installed from a CD that came with the book SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. When I try to connect to this database in the report wizard following instructions on page 41, it tells me my database doesn't exist. The following path was entered into the New Project dialog box which does exist. C:\Documents and Settings\Brett Somers\My Documents\Microsoft Press\RS2005SBS\workspace. The book guides me to enter Localhost as the server name. The rs2005sbsDW database does not appear in the "select or enter a database name" dropdown field.

If you installed SQLExpress as the server then it probably installed as a named instance so you need ot connect to (local)\sqlexpress|||SQL Express Server is installed. But I have recently installed the Business Intelligence SQL 2005 program. I have reinstalled the workstation components for the Business Intelligence Install. I'm not sure how to proceed with your advice.
|||How do I connect to (local)\sqlexpress? If this is what I need to do.
|||Put (local)\sqlexpress in the connection string or the server name in the connection dialog.

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